联合学习是一种协作机器学习,参与客户在本地处理他们的数据,仅与协作模型共享更新。这使得能够建立隐私意识的分布式机器学习模型等。目的是通过最大程度地减少一组客户本地存储的数据集的成本函数来优化统计模型的参数。这个过程使客户遇到了两个问题:私人信息的泄漏和模型的个性化缺乏。另一方面,随着分析数据的最新进步,人们对侵犯参与客户的隐私行为的关注激增。为了减轻这种情况,差异隐私及其变体是提供正式隐私保证的标准。客户通常代表非常异构的社区,并拥有非常多样化的数据。因此,与FL社区的最新重点保持一致,以为代表其多样性的用户建立个性化模型框架,这对于防止潜在威胁免受客户的敏感和个人信息而言也是至关重要的。 $ d $ - 私人是对地理位置可区分性的概括,即最近普及的位置隐私范式,它使用了一种基于公制的混淆技术,可保留原始数据的空间分布。为了解决保护客户隐私并允许个性化模型培训以增强系统的公平性和实用性的问题,我们提出了一种提供团体隐私性的方法在FL的框架下。我们为对现实世界数据集的适用性和实验验证提供了理论上的理由,以说明该方法的工作。
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Online Social Networks have embarked on the importance of connection strength measures which has a broad array of applications such as, analyzing diffusion behaviors, community detection, link predictions, recommender systems. Though there are some existing connection strength measures, the density that a connection shares with it's neighbors and the directionality aspect has not received much attention. In this paper, we have proposed an asymmetric edge similarity measure namely, Neighborhood Density-based Edge Similarity (NDES) which provides a fundamental support to derive the strength of connection. The time complexity of NDES is $O(nk^2)$. An application of NDES for community detection in social network is shown. We have considered a similarity based community detection technique and substituted its similarity measure with NDES. The performance of NDES is evaluated on several small real-world datasets in terms of the effectiveness in detecting communities and compared with three widely used similarity measures. Empirical results show NDES enables detecting comparatively better communities both in terms of accuracy and quality.
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Community detection in Social Networks is associated with finding and grouping the most similar nodes inherent in the network. These similar nodes are identified by computing tie strength. Stronger ties indicates higher proximity shared by connected node pairs. This work is motivated by Granovetter's argument that suggests that strong ties lies within densely connected nodes and the theory that community cores in real-world networks are densely connected. In this paper, we have introduced a novel method called \emph{Disjoint Community detection using Cascades (DCC)} which demonstrates the effectiveness of a new local density based tie strength measure on detecting communities. Here, tie strength is utilized to decide the paths followed for propagating information. The idea is to crawl through the tuple information of cascades towards the community core guided by increasing tie strength. Considering the cascade generation step, a novel preferential membership method has been developed to assign community labels to unassigned nodes. The efficacy of $DCC$ has been analyzed based on quality and accuracy on several real-world datasets and baseline community detection algorithms.
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Information diffusion in Online Social Networks is a new and crucial problem in social network analysis field and requires significant research attention. Efficient diffusion of information are of critical importance in diverse situations such as; pandemic prevention, advertising, marketing etc. Although several mathematical models have been developed till date, but previous works lacked systematic analysis and exploration of the influence of neighborhood for information diffusion. In this paper, we have proposed Common Neighborhood Strategy (CNS) algorithm for information diffusion that demonstrates the role of common neighborhood in information propagation throughout the network. The performance of CNS algorithm is evaluated on several real-world datasets in terms of diffusion speed and diffusion outspread and compared with several widely used information diffusion models. Empirical results show CNS algorithm enables better information diffusion both in terms of diffusion speed and diffusion outspread.
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Nature-inspired optimization Algorithms (NIOAs) are nowadays a popular choice for community detection in social networks. Community detection problem in social network is treated as optimization problem, where the objective is to either maximize the connection within the community or minimize connections between the communities. To apply NIOAs, either of the two, or both objectives are explored. Since NIOAs mostly exploit randomness in their strategies, it is necessary to analyze their performance for specific applications. In this paper, NIOAs are analyzed on the community detection problem. A direct comparison approach is followed to perform pairwise comparison of NIOAs. The performance is measured in terms of five scores designed based on prasatul matrix and also with average isolability. Three widely used real-world social networks and four NIOAs are considered for analyzing the quality of communities generated by NIOAs.
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A hallmark of human intelligence is the ability to learn new concepts purely from language. Several recent approaches have explored training machine learning models via natural language supervision. However, these approaches fall short in leveraging linguistic quantifiers (such as 'always' or 'rarely') and mimicking humans in compositionally learning complex tasks. Here, we present LaSQuE, a method that can learn zero-shot classifiers from language explanations by using three new strategies - (1) modeling the semantics of linguistic quantifiers in explanations (including exploiting ordinal strength relationships, such as 'always' > 'likely'), (2) aggregating information from multiple explanations using an attention-based mechanism, and (3) model training via curriculum learning. With these strategies, LaSQuE outperforms prior work, showing an absolute gain of up to 7% in generalizing to unseen real-world classification tasks.
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The tropical cyclone formation process is one of the most complex natural phenomena which is governed by various atmospheric, oceanographic, and geographic factors that varies with time and space. Despite several years of research, accurately predicting tropical cyclone formation remains a challenging task. While the existing numerical models have inherent limitations, the machine learning models fail to capture the spatial and temporal dimensions of the causal factors behind TC formation. In this study, a deep learning model has been proposed that can forecast the formation of a tropical cyclone with a lead time of up to 60 hours with high accuracy. The model uses the high-resolution reanalysis data ERA5 (ECMWF reanalysis 5th generation), and best track data IBTrACS (International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship) to forecast tropical cyclone formation in six ocean basins of the world. For 60 hours lead time the models achieve an accuracy in the range of 86.9% - 92.9% across the six ocean basins. The model takes about 5-15 minutes of training time depending on the ocean basin, and the amount of data used and can predict within seconds, thereby making it suitable for real-life usage.
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Fairness of machine learning (ML) software has become a major concern in the recent past. Although recent research on testing and improving fairness have demonstrated impact on real-world software, providing fairness guarantee in practice is still lacking. Certification of ML models is challenging because of the complex decision-making process of the models. In this paper, we proposed Fairify, an SMT-based approach to verify individual fairness property in neural network (NN) models. Individual fairness ensures that any two similar individuals get similar treatment irrespective of their protected attributes e.g., race, sex, age. Verifying this fairness property is hard because of the global checking and non-linear computation nodes in NN. We proposed sound approach to make individual fairness verification tractable for the developers. The key idea is that many neurons in the NN always remain inactive when a smaller part of the input domain is considered. So, Fairify leverages whitebox access to the models in production and then apply formal analysis based pruning. Our approach adopts input partitioning and then prunes the NN for each partition to provide fairness certification or counterexample. We leveraged interval arithmetic and activation heuristic of the neurons to perform the pruning as necessary. We evaluated Fairify on 25 real-world neural networks collected from four different sources, and demonstrated the effectiveness, scalability and performance over baseline and closely related work. Fairify is also configurable based on the domain and size of the NN. Our novel formulation of the problem can answer targeted verification queries with relaxations and counterexamples, which have practical implications.
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Machine Learning (ML) software has been widely adopted in modern society, with reported fairness implications for minority groups based on race, sex, age, etc. Many recent works have proposed methods to measure and mitigate algorithmic bias in ML models. The existing approaches focus on single classifier-based ML models. However, real-world ML models are often composed of multiple independent or dependent learners in an ensemble (e.g., Random Forest), where the fairness composes in a non-trivial way. How does fairness compose in ensembles? What are the fairness impacts of the learners on the ultimate fairness of the ensemble? Can fair learners result in an unfair ensemble? Furthermore, studies have shown that hyperparameters influence the fairness of ML models. Ensemble hyperparameters are more complex since they affect how learners are combined in different categories of ensembles. Understanding the impact of ensemble hyperparameters on fairness will help programmers design fair ensembles. Today, we do not understand these fully for different ensemble algorithms. In this paper, we comprehensively study popular real-world ensembles: bagging, boosting, stacking and voting. We have developed a benchmark of 168 ensemble models collected from Kaggle on four popular fairness datasets. We use existing fairness metrics to understand the composition of fairness. Our results show that ensembles can be designed to be fairer without using mitigation techniques. We also identify the interplay between fairness composition and data characteristics to guide fair ensemble design. Finally, our benchmark can be leveraged for further research on fair ensembles. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first and largest studies on fairness composition in ensembles yet presented in the literature.
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The performance of individual evolutionary optimization algorithms is mostly measured in terms of statistics such as mean, median and standard deviation etc., computed over the best solutions obtained with few trails of the algorithm. To compare the performance of two algorithms, the values of these statistics are compared instead of comparing the solutions directly. This kind of comparison lacks direct comparison of solutions obtained with different algorithms. For instance, the comparison of best solutions (or worst solution) of two algorithms simply not possible. Moreover, ranking of algorithms is mostly done in terms of solution quality only, despite the fact that the convergence of algorithm is also an important factor. In this paper, a direct comparison approach is proposed to analyze the performance of evolutionary optimization algorithms. A direct comparison matrix called \emph{Prasatul Matrix} is prepared, which accounts direct comparison outcome of best solutions obtained with two algorithms for a specific number of trials. Five different performance measures are designed based on the prasatul matrix to evaluate the performance of algorithms in terms of Optimality and Comparability of solutions. These scores are utilized to develop a score-driven approach for comparing performance of multiple algorithms as well as for ranking both in the grounds of solution quality and convergence analysis. Proposed approach is analyzed with six evolutionary optimization algorithms on 25 benchmark functions. A non-parametric statistical analysis, namely Wilcoxon paired sum-rank test is also performed to verify the outcomes of proposed direct comparison approach.
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